Friday, May 21, 2010
ayam ganas di taronga zoo!
Greatday blogger!
beberapa tahun yang lalu waktu gw kuliah di syd dan kebetulan liburan, keluarga gw dateng buat nengok gw. maka jadilah gw tur leader dadakan, dan untuk beberapa hari ke depan gw akan berbagi pengalaman2 konyol dan lucu selama mereka ada disana! mulai dari ayam ganas di taronga zoo, disappear in newzealand, sampe kids in the casino!.
sekarang gw mau cerita tentang pengalaman konyol kuarga gw di taronga zoo.
buat yang gak tau, taronga zoo itu kebun bianatang di Sydney, kalau mau ke sana harus naik ferry sekitar 30 menit,
nah abis itu sampelah kita di kebun binatang besar ini. (bener ampe cape loh muterin-nya)
di sana ada cable car (kereta gantung), terus banyak binatang2 kocak, yah kayak layak-nya kebun binatang aja lah, tapi lebih besar, dan pemandangan-nya indah karena bisa ngeliatan kota sydney dari seberang, terus dikelilingi laut, ada bagian burung-burung, ada bagian primata, ada bagian penguin, ada gajah laut yang menurut gw serem (kalau gak tau gajah laut, google it!), terus ada simpanse yang lagi sibuk belah tai-nya terus dimakan (nyokap gw ampe ampir muntah pas liat), ada zona serangga rumah, jadi kayak dibuat rumah beneran dan kita bisa liat2 serangganya. terus ada kek zona peternakan dimana hewan peternakan isi-nya.
nah di zona peternakan inilah terjadi peristiwa konyol, pada saat itu gw dan ke dua adik gw masuk ke dalem kek rumah kayu buat liat babi (jauh2 ke sydney malah liat babi haha), jadi rumah kayu-nya itu kayak ada naikan berkelok (kayak tempat antrian wahan dunia fantasi), gak lama kemudia kita kuar, terjadilah pemandangan konyol!
gw liat bokap sama nyokap gw lagi dikejer ayam sekampung di depan! ayam-nya rada gede! gw gak tau nama-nya ayam apa, pokoknya bokap nyokap gw di kejer2, terus teriak ke arah kita, "lari pin, lari"
otomatis gw ketawa ampe sakit perut, ampe mengeluarkan air mata.
bisa bayangin gak sih bokap ama nyokap lu bedua, di kejer ayam sekampung di tengah2 kebun binatang! ampe ada bule 2 ketawain mereka! sarappp.
lalu beginilah versi cerita nyokap gw:
jadi ceritanya bokap nyokap gw lagi liat2, terus tiba2 ada 1 ayam gede deketin dia, makin lama kok makin deket makin deket, terus temen2nya juga semua begitu, ya udah mereka ber dua menjauh, terus lari, eh malah dikejer2. haha. mungkin karena nyokap gw bawa kantong plastik kali yah, jadi dikira makanan!
tapi overall ini kebun binatang sih keren abis, musti di kunjungi de! melbourne zoo mah lewat, singapore zoo? lewattt, tapi kalau sama taman safari puncak masi seimbang la, soalnya taman safari puncak juga keren.
Okay, talk to you later guys!
22 May 2010, 2:19 p.m
I dont have last name, and its okay!
hari yang indah blogger!
buat mereka yang mempunyai last name alias nama lengkap, bersukacitalah! karena saya yakin kalian tidak akan merasakan penderitaan mereka yang tidak mempunyai last name! terutama buat mereka2 yang hidup di negara barat.
beberapa penderitaan yang dialami oleh orang2 seperti gw (baca: gak punya last name).
Kesulitan dalam melakukan transaksi online yang system-nya mengharuskan input untuk mengisi first and last name, tebak apa yang terjadi kalau gak mengisi kolom last name? transaksi gak bisa dilanjutkan! emang dasar sistem sarap!
jadi, solusi-nya buat orang kek gw adalah, mengisi kolom last name dengan nama first name, contoh:
Kalau Susi jadi Susi Susi
Kalau Susu jadi Susu Susu (kasian de namanya jadi terdengar seperti usus.)
Kalau Calvin yah jadi Calvin Calvin.
alhasil pas dulu gw kuliah, semua kartu2 atm dan credit card bertuliskan seperti itu:
Calvin Calvin. mantaph gak tuh??
sejak saat itu gw merasa bahwa sistem2 input data seperti ini yang sudah mendarah daging (halah) di dunia barat harus diganti akan lebih kompatibel dengan dunia timur, karena matahari terbit dari timur (gak nyambung sih, tapi keliatan keren aja statementnya), dan juga sistem seperti ini dapat menyebabkan kebingungan!
waktu pertama kali dulu gw nyampe sydney buat kuliah! kira2 2 atau 3 taun yg lalu, gw mencoba membuka account bank di Commonwealth Bank (eastwood branch), gw bilang "mencoba" karena gw gak yakin berhasil, alasannya? bahasa inggris f.o.b (read: fresh off the Boat) alias ancur. haha. lalu sampelah gw di bank tersebut dan bertemu bagian information, gw ungkapkan kalau gw mau buka account bank, bla bla bla bleh. lalu gw isi form-nya, ternyata si teller kebingungan pas liat gw gak punya last name! di passport juga kaga ada last name. ya kan.
alhasil si teller pemula ini (keliatannya begitu), ampe masuk ke dalem sampe manager-nya kuar cuman buat beginian. haha. KASIAN DE LO.
kejadian ke dua adalah, pada saat gw cari2 tiket pesawat dan cek2 harga di travel2 agent di sekitar syd china town, kebetulan yang ngelayanin waktu itu orang chinese, dan dia sepertinya gak pernah ketemu org yang gak punya last name! alhasil dia tanya ke gw dengan accentnya yang indah,
agen: "what is your last name"
me: i dont have last name
agen: " wow so cool, terus dia ketawa"
dalem ati gw, "COOL DARI HUNGKENG!"
tapi gak semua orang gak gaul kek gitu di syd, bukti-nya lecturer gw bisa langsung tebak kalau gw dari Indonesia cuman ngeliat list nama murid, kata dia tipikal, cuman org Indo yang gak punya last name! haha. BULE GAUL!
yah begitulah cerita hari ini, jadi bersyukurlah setiap hari jika kalian mempunya last name!
(nb: sebenernya gw punya last name, tapi tidak tertulis di akta lahir, ktp, dan passport, jadi untuk urusan birokasi, ijazah, dll. diasumsikan gw gak punya last name)
Fri, 6:08 PM 21/5/10
buat mereka yang mempunyai last name alias nama lengkap, bersukacitalah! karena saya yakin kalian tidak akan merasakan penderitaan mereka yang tidak mempunyai last name! terutama buat mereka2 yang hidup di negara barat.
beberapa penderitaan yang dialami oleh orang2 seperti gw (baca: gak punya last name).
Kesulitan dalam melakukan transaksi online yang system-nya mengharuskan input untuk mengisi first and last name, tebak apa yang terjadi kalau gak mengisi kolom last name? transaksi gak bisa dilanjutkan! emang dasar sistem sarap!
jadi, solusi-nya buat orang kek gw adalah, mengisi kolom last name dengan nama first name, contoh:
Kalau Susi jadi Susi Susi
Kalau Susu jadi Susu Susu (kasian de namanya jadi terdengar seperti usus.)
Kalau Calvin yah jadi Calvin Calvin.
alhasil pas dulu gw kuliah, semua kartu2 atm dan credit card bertuliskan seperti itu:
Calvin Calvin. mantaph gak tuh??
sejak saat itu gw merasa bahwa sistem2 input data seperti ini yang sudah mendarah daging (halah) di dunia barat harus diganti akan lebih kompatibel dengan dunia timur, karena matahari terbit dari timur (gak nyambung sih, tapi keliatan keren aja statementnya), dan juga sistem seperti ini dapat menyebabkan kebingungan!
waktu pertama kali dulu gw nyampe sydney buat kuliah! kira2 2 atau 3 taun yg lalu, gw mencoba membuka account bank di Commonwealth Bank (eastwood branch), gw bilang "mencoba" karena gw gak yakin berhasil, alasannya? bahasa inggris f.o.b (read: fresh off the Boat) alias ancur. haha. lalu sampelah gw di bank tersebut dan bertemu bagian information, gw ungkapkan kalau gw mau buka account bank, bla bla bla bleh. lalu gw isi form-nya, ternyata si teller kebingungan pas liat gw gak punya last name! di passport juga kaga ada last name. ya kan.
alhasil si teller pemula ini (keliatannya begitu), ampe masuk ke dalem sampe manager-nya kuar cuman buat beginian. haha. KASIAN DE LO.
kejadian ke dua adalah, pada saat gw cari2 tiket pesawat dan cek2 harga di travel2 agent di sekitar syd china town, kebetulan yang ngelayanin waktu itu orang chinese, dan dia sepertinya gak pernah ketemu org yang gak punya last name! alhasil dia tanya ke gw dengan accentnya yang indah,
agen: "what is your last name"
me: i dont have last name
agen: " wow so cool, terus dia ketawa"
dalem ati gw, "COOL DARI HUNGKENG!"
tapi gak semua orang gak gaul kek gitu di syd, bukti-nya lecturer gw bisa langsung tebak kalau gw dari Indonesia cuman ngeliat list nama murid, kata dia tipikal, cuman org Indo yang gak punya last name! haha. BULE GAUL!
yah begitulah cerita hari ini, jadi bersyukurlah setiap hari jika kalian mempunya last name!
(nb: sebenernya gw punya last name, tapi tidak tertulis di akta lahir, ktp, dan passport, jadi untuk urusan birokasi, ijazah, dll. diasumsikan gw gak punya last name)
Fri, 6:08 PM 21/5/10
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Kisah Klasik Teringat Kembali
Hari yang indah para blogger! (maksudnya Goodday Blogger! )
ini kejadian sekitar 2 atau 3 tahun lalu, tapi gw post lagi disini. :D
selamat membaca,
(ps: ditulis 25 Febuary 2008) Sydney
tidak sampai seminggu yang lalu, ketika gw lagi selang waktu kuliah, dan kebetulan ada duit di dompet yang ingin gw tabung,
nampaklah sebuah mesin di depan mata gw bernama "deposits ATM"
dan ketika melihat mesin itu, terbesitlah ide untuk mencoba..
maklumlah darah remaja selalu ingin mencobaa [muakk] terlebih lagi gw orangnya suka sama inovasi dan terobosan [halahh..]
ditambah lagi teller manusia di bank yang sedang ramai dikunjungi orang-orang.
jadi beginilah cerita-nya:
gw ke deposits ATM tersebut
"masukkan kartu anda" [tentu dalam bahasa inggris]
terus gw teken pin gw *tut tut tut tut tut tut*
dan gw pilih "deposit money"
terus gw disuruh ketik jumlah yang yang mau gw deposit,
yah gw ketik aja "700"
terus katup tempat masuk uang kebuka,
yah gw masukin aja 100 an dollar gw,
pas masuk, duitnya miring pula!!
gw pikir, hey men, canggih juga cui nih alat,
udah deposits ATM masuknya miring lagi,
alhasil tiba-tiba keluar nota tulisannya uang yang di deposit "O"
cibai bener gak?
ternyata pola pikir gw yang menganggap ATM tuh kek vending machine, masukin duit satu-satu itu salah!!
ternyata harus pake amplok, tulis nama dan amount of money!
alhasil mau praktis malah kritis,
berhubung duit yang tertelan 100 dolar, artinya duit itu harus di perjuangkan,
kalau masi 10-20 bucks masi cingcai lah ya..
akhirnya ke customer service [setelah antri 20 menit karena rame]
dan menceritakan ketololan gw [wakakak],
si bula cantik berjilbab yang baik itu [aisyah namanya] bilang, oke, ntar sore duit lu bakalan udah masuk..
tapi mungkin dalem ati-nya "Dasar Asia tolol haha"
ini kejadian sekitar 2 atau 3 tahun lalu, tapi gw post lagi disini. :D
selamat membaca,
(ps: ditulis 25 Febuary 2008) Sydney
tidak sampai seminggu yang lalu, ketika gw lagi selang waktu kuliah, dan kebetulan ada duit di dompet yang ingin gw tabung,
nampaklah sebuah mesin di depan mata gw bernama "deposits ATM"
dan ketika melihat mesin itu, terbesitlah ide untuk mencoba..
maklumlah darah remaja selalu ingin mencobaa [muakk] terlebih lagi gw orangnya suka sama inovasi dan terobosan [halahh..]
ditambah lagi teller manusia di bank yang sedang ramai dikunjungi orang-orang.
jadi beginilah cerita-nya:
gw ke deposits ATM tersebut
"masukkan kartu anda" [tentu dalam bahasa inggris]
terus gw teken pin gw *tut tut tut tut tut tut*
dan gw pilih "deposit money"
terus gw disuruh ketik jumlah yang yang mau gw deposit,
yah gw ketik aja "700"
terus katup tempat masuk uang kebuka,
yah gw masukin aja 100 an dollar gw,
pas masuk, duitnya miring pula!!
gw pikir, hey men, canggih juga cui nih alat,
udah deposits ATM masuknya miring lagi,
alhasil tiba-tiba keluar nota tulisannya uang yang di deposit "O"
cibai bener gak?
ternyata pola pikir gw yang menganggap ATM tuh kek vending machine, masukin duit satu-satu itu salah!!
ternyata harus pake amplok, tulis nama dan amount of money!
alhasil mau praktis malah kritis,
berhubung duit yang tertelan 100 dolar, artinya duit itu harus di perjuangkan,
kalau masi 10-20 bucks masi cingcai lah ya..
akhirnya ke customer service [setelah antri 20 menit karena rame]
dan menceritakan ketololan gw [wakakak],
si bula cantik berjilbab yang baik itu [aisyah namanya] bilang, oke, ntar sore duit lu bakalan udah masuk..
tapi mungkin dalem ati-nya "Dasar Asia tolol haha"
Monday, May 17, 2010
birthday boy
Great day! blogger,
today is my birthday, happy bday to my self. lol.
thanks for the surprise cake, 2 surprise cake. thanks a lot guys, i appreciated it. and thanks for all the wishes. GBU! and me.
today is my birthday, happy bday to my self. lol.
thanks for the surprise cake, 2 surprise cake. thanks a lot guys, i appreciated it. and thanks for all the wishes. GBU! and me.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Midnight Hunger!
Good day Blogger,
Have you ever felt sudden hunger in the middle of the night? like 00.00 - 00.30 a.m?
this always happen to me! and if you dare to try to bring this empty stomach (not really) to sleep, trust me, you wont be able to make it, because the dragon inside your tummy keep roaring and screaming like a b*.
So i want to share what might help you to fight this situation,
1. Astor Wafer Stick.
this is the easiest way to fight your sudden hunger attack in the mid-night.
so i suggest you to always have this kinda food reserves and put it next to your bed.
2. Mie Goreng
this is every overseas student's best mate! After a long research in the market, throughout Sunda's strait, Papua's birdhead, Goddess Island of Bali, Sydney Virgin Megastore, and back to Sentosa Island in singapore, i conclude this is the best Instant Fried Noodles.
3. Water
If you don't have any food to eat at home, this is the only reasonable way (at least for me) to fight the hunger in the night.
this is the smartest way to trick your tummy!
but please don't drink this much
Water! unless you want to go to Toilet every hour!
sun.1:01 am. 16/may.2010 (*yawn*)
Have you ever felt sudden hunger in the middle of the night? like 00.00 - 00.30 a.m?
this always happen to me! and if you dare to try to bring this empty stomach (not really) to sleep, trust me, you wont be able to make it, because the dragon inside your tummy keep roaring and screaming like a b*.
So i want to share what might help you to fight this situation,
1. Astor Wafer Stick.
this is the easiest way to fight your sudden hunger attack in the mid-night.
so i suggest you to always have this kinda food reserves and put it next to your bed.
2. Mie Goreng
this is every overseas student's best mate! After a long research in the market, throughout Sunda's strait, Papua's birdhead, Goddess Island of Bali, Sydney Virgin Megastore, and back to Sentosa Island in singapore, i conclude this is the best Instant Fried Noodles.
3. Water
If you don't have any food to eat at home, this is the only reasonable way (at least for me) to fight the hunger in the night.
this is the smartest way to trick your tummy!
but please don't drink this much
Water! unless you want to go to Toilet every hour!
sun.1:01 am. 16/may.2010 (*yawn*)
Friday, May 14, 2010
What's your name again?
Good day blogger,
i really have a poor short term memory, like seriously.
and its really annoyed me (yes, my poor term memory annoyed my self), specially in the situation when i have to meet a lot of new people and i cant recall their name just about after the introduction. its not about me being ignorant, its about my idiotic brain.
Friend of mine: "Hi Guys, this is Calvin, he is new here. Calvin, this is Gorilla, Godzilla, Mozilla (No, im just kidding, if their have such a cool name like that, i can easily remember their name! tee hee)
how about this,
Friend of mine: "Hi Guys, this is Calvin, he is new here. Calvin, this is Bai Xu Qian, Chang Khai Sek, To Ron To".
seriously, I'm not being racist but i cant help my self to remember their names! why? because its sounds like Babibu, Bebiba, Bobibe in my ears., then how can you expect me to remember this things?
and for those who have that kinda name please pick your English name to help me (and the rest idiot people in the world who struggling to remember peoples name like me), maybe you can use "Alejandro", or "Gaga" or "Oprah".
Haha, okay ttyl Blogger.
Sat, 12:11 PM.
i really have a poor short term memory, like seriously.
and its really annoyed me (yes, my poor term memory annoyed my self), specially in the situation when i have to meet a lot of new people and i cant recall their name just about after the introduction. its not about me being ignorant, its about my idiotic brain.
Friend of mine: "Hi Guys, this is Calvin, he is new here. Calvin, this is Gorilla, Godzilla, Mozilla (No, im just kidding, if their have such a cool name like that, i can easily remember their name! tee hee)
how about this,
Friend of mine: "Hi Guys, this is Calvin, he is new here. Calvin, this is Bai Xu Qian, Chang Khai Sek, To Ron To".
seriously, I'm not being racist but i cant help my self to remember their names! why? because its sounds like Babibu, Bebiba, Bobibe in my ears., then how can you expect me to remember this things?
and for those who have that kinda name please pick your English name to help me (and the rest idiot people in the world who struggling to remember peoples name like me), maybe you can use "Alejandro", or "Gaga" or "Oprah".
Haha, okay ttyl Blogger.
Sat, 12:11 PM.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
F.U Pithecanthropus Palaeo Javanicus!
Great Day Blogger!
So today i just checked my student email, and yay! my first class test result is out! i really expected something okay, like maybe 6 or 7 out of 10. and guess what i got? 4.5 out of 10.
and my expression was like this:
I Mean Like This:
Seriously dude, i can do the test, at least give me 5 or 6!, aren't you the lecturer suppose to help us instead of kickin us? i even studied when i was holiday in Bali! F.U Pithecanthropus Palaeo Javanicus!
(p.s: this image really looks like my lecturer. the only lil different is, this Pithecantropus Palaeo Javanicus looks innocent, that's it. i swear its true)
roarrr roarrrr.
13 May 2010/ 9:34
So today i just checked my student email, and yay! my first class test result is out! i really expected something okay, like maybe 6 or 7 out of 10. and guess what i got? 4.5 out of 10.
and my expression was like this:
I Mean Like This:
Seriously dude, i can do the test, at least give me 5 or 6!, aren't you the lecturer suppose to help us instead of kickin us? i even studied when i was holiday in Bali! F.U Pithecanthropus Palaeo Javanicus!
(p.s: this image really looks like my lecturer. the only lil different is, this Pithecantropus Palaeo Javanicus looks innocent, that's it. i swear its true)
roarrr roarrrr.
13 May 2010/ 9:34
I need to start doing this shit!
Great day everyone!
Man, the final exam is coming in 1 month, and its a signal from heaven to me...
(Wait, let me hear the whispering.. sststt ststst sttt)
Okay, that mean, I HAVE TO START DOING THIS SHIT! (Shit = study; assignment; and all of its friends). Strafing for the future, please study calvin before you regret it in the future.
I just read the news that there is a Plane Crash happened in the Libya, and all of the passengers is died but 1 boy. Shit man, i wish i did not read this news but alas my eyes see everything that reflected by the light from my computer to my eyes (Okay Calvin, please stop talking with non-human language), the reason is because i love traveling but i hate to fly! in my personal defense that human evolved to this form (read: 2 feet instead of wings) because we are not made to fly!. I really really hate to fly, i rather see a ghost or eat a baby (i mean baby chicken) instead to fly!
but still there is 2 sides in every coin, there is always a good news and the bad news! the bad news is i always feel unwell during the flight, and the good news are i always feel better subsequently after the flight! wohooo
okay, ttyl blogger.
13 May 2010/9:15 p.m (sg)
Man, the final exam is coming in 1 month, and its a signal from heaven to me...
(Wait, let me hear the whispering.. sststt ststst sttt)
Okay, that mean, I HAVE TO START DOING THIS SHIT! (Shit = study; assignment; and all of its friends). Strafing for the future, please study calvin before you regret it in the future.
I just read the news that there is a Plane Crash happened in the Libya, and all of the passengers is died but 1 boy. Shit man, i wish i did not read this news but alas my eyes see everything that reflected by the light from my computer to my eyes (Okay Calvin, please stop talking with non-human language), the reason is because i love traveling but i hate to fly! in my personal defense that human evolved to this form (read: 2 feet instead of wings) because we are not made to fly!. I really really hate to fly, i rather see a ghost or eat a baby (i mean baby chicken) instead to fly!
but still there is 2 sides in every coin, there is always a good news and the bad news! the bad news is i always feel unwell during the flight, and the good news are i always feel better subsequently after the flight! wohooo
okay, ttyl blogger.
13 May 2010/9:15 p.m (sg)
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